4 Tips for Easy Seasonal Eating

Eating locally and seasonally benefits everything from our physical health to our community’s economy. But, keeping up with the harvest’s bounty, especially in the midst of hot days and vacation season, can feel overwhelming.  We’ve found the key to making eating with the seasons easy lies in the preparation — both preparing for the influx… Continue reading 4 Tips for Easy Seasonal Eating

Categorized as Food

Asian Bulgur & Edamame Salad

Fresh edamame is one of the unique foods us CSA members at Blooming Glen Farm are lucky to receive each season, but what exactly is it, why is it good for us, and how do we cook it? See Mikaela’s post about the nutritional benefits of edamame and get a recipe on the Blooming Glen… Continue reading Asian Bulgur & Edamame Salad

Categorized as Food, Recipe

A lesson in Stress

We recently received this “Great Lesson in Stress” and want to share: A presenter confidently walked around the room while leading a group about stress management holding up a glass of water. Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, “Is it half empty or half full?” But, she fooled them all: “How… Continue reading A lesson in Stress

Healthy Bites: February 2013

February is notorious for bringing with it gray skies and gray moods. With the cold weather set in and the holidays long over, it’s easy to feed into our winter blues by staying indoors, eating heavier foods, drinking more than usual, and expending less energy. These tendencies and feelings are completely normal – just like… Continue reading Healthy Bites: February 2013